Thursday, July 19, 2012

Part Two

I wrote the other day about what I want  for my birthday and mentioned many nice things I would like.  Today on Facebook, I saw that a  friend  re posted something negative about Joel Osteen.  What does that have to do with birthdays? You ask. Joel is not liked  by many people because these people would rather have you believe that God does not want us to have an abundant life  but a life of poverty. They much rather have you be defeated than be victorious.  I have lived like that most of my life and I can tell you,  I don't agree with those people. You can have poverty if you want I much rather be blessed in ALL areas of my life!  One of the  blessings I like to have is of abundance.  Paul knew what it was like to have plenty. I never have. So what does it have to do with  my birthday? Easy! I would like to prosper! I would like to be a blessing to others. I believe in his teachings! And it has inspired me. I refuse to accept mediocracy or even less than that!  I don't believe its God's will for me to be  poor all my life, but as Jesus said about being  celibate, "All cannot accept this saying, but only those to whom it has been given."  I accept it, but you don't have to. The promise was not given to you. It was given to me. My Spirit bears witness that the things I desire comes from the Lord  What I truly desire to see happen  but once again will not because it is drawing near(Unless he  surprises me), is a one way ticket to Washington State where I  can fulfill all his plans for me: Become a high quality teacher instead of  just a  writer who spends all her time on Facebook, where I can be involved in a good church, have a family of my own, a car for myself and so forth. Can't have these things now. This may be hard for you to accept, but that is okay. You go on believing what you want because your lack of faith will not hinder God's work in my life.

1 comment:

  1. I may not agree with everything Joel Osteen says, but I do respect his ministry, and I pray for success too, as long as we use our gifts for the Lord I do not think their is anything wrong with prospering, the issue I have is when those who have look down on those who dont make assumptions, Great blog, thanks for the food for thought
    In Christs Love
