Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Turning 45 Part 1

This Saturday I will be 45. If you read this after that date, it will be an old post. This is me and  what is on my heart.

I never really got what I wanted for my Birthday in the past 17 years of my life. What did I want? IT wasn't fancy gadgets although if I did, I would appreciate it. It wasn't a brand new car. (No one in the family can afford that either). A husband? Yes sometimes I wish he would come to my door, but hat is ALL in God's hands. What is it then? Could be money? Money does not buy happiness. I know   many people out there who has money but are not happy yet money is a necessity. The one thing I ever asked God-no my heavenly father who loves me as he loves his son, was he would make good on his promise to return me to Washington State. Just today as we were coming home from McDonald's, I said to my daddy, "I  want my Mercedes Benz  right here outside my house.  Okay, now you will say that I am dreaming and maybe I should ask for something not to expensive. But you forget! He owns a cattle on a thousand Hills and everything in this earth belongs to him! In fact, all the  earthly treasures belongs to the righteous. Proverbs 13:22b "But the  wealth of the sinners is stored up for the righteous." The reason why the sinners have money is because Satan who is the thief has been robbing from us and giving  the money to his own people! I like a verse that says "What good is money in the hands of a fool"   because there are a lot of foolish people with money. If they would read the Bible, there are scriptures that teaches you how to use money and where to give it. Lk6:38 "Give  and it shall be given unto you.." There are scriptures that teaches about sowing and reaping, but people are selfish and say "It's  MY money and I can do what I want with it!"  I bet God is trying to get them to give so he can  bless them.  There is a story about a rich man  who was not able to give all that he  had. He held onto his possession. There are people out  there like that.  God is not trying to rob from the rich so they can become poor.  If they are willing and obedient,  they shall eat the good of the land. You are blessed when you obey.

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